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African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) Prepares for Withdrawal of 2,000 Soldiers

The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) has announced that it is intensifying preparations for the withdrawal of 2,000 soldiers from Somalia by June 30. Mohammed El-Amine Souef, the special representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission for Somalia and head of ATMIS, stated that a joint technical committee comprised of representatives from the Somali government, the United Nations Support Office in Somalia, and ATMIS has identified and agreed upon the military bases that will be handed over from ATMIS to the Somali Security Forces (SSF) or consolidated.

During an official visit to the ATMIS Sector 5 headquarters in Jowhar, Souef explained that as ATMIS reduces its presence on the ground, the SSF will increase its numbers to assume control of the areas being handed over. The drawdown of troops is in compliance with UN Security Council Resolutions 2628 and 2670, which mandate ATMIS to reduce its forces by 2,000 soldiers by the end of June and transfer security responsibilities in agreed-upon areas to the SSF.

ATMIS has been actively involved in joint targeted operations and routine missions to degrade the activities of the terrorist group al-Shabaab, which frequently launches attacks against government forces. The AU mission also plays a crucial role in providing security to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid and essential supplies to vulnerable communities in remote and underserved regions.

Marius Ngendabanka, the acting force commander of ATMIS, confirmed that an operations order has been issued, and the joint technical committee is on track to meet the June 30 deadline. He emphasized that the withdrawal of 2,000 ATMIS soldiers will not compromise the security of key government installations and major population centers as long as the SSF assumes responsibility for these areas.

The withdrawal of ATMIS troops marks an important transition in Somalia’s security landscape, with increased reliance on the Somali Security Forces to maintain stability and counter the ongoing threat of al-Shabaab. The successful handover of security responsibilities will be crucial for the long-term stability and progress of Somalia.

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