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The Somali government reports a 70% decrease in militant attacks

Somali authorities have reported a 70% reduction in militant attacks across the country, thanks to sustained military operations against the al-Shabab terror group. The operations were launched in central and southern parts of the country and have also stabilized the national capital, Mogadishu. The Council of Ministers praised the achievements of the Somali army in reducing terrorist attacks, which made it possible to ensure relative stability and safety for residents during the holy month of Ramadan. The council also noted that the reduction in militant attacks has improved the security situation in Somalia.

The al-Shabab militant group had previously controlled most of Mogadishu and was a significant threat to peace in the country. However, it was routed from the city in 2011 by allied forces and has since been forced to abandon most of its strongholds. Despite this, the group still controls vast rural areas and remains a key threat to the country’s stability.

The Somali government has been working to improve its security situation, with the support of international partners. In recent years, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has played a critical role in supporting the government’s efforts, helping to train and equip the Somali army to fight against al-Shabab. The Somali authorities have also been working to address the root causes of extremism, including poverty, unemployment, and marginalization.

Despite the progress made in reducing militant attacks, significant challenges remain for Somalia. The country continues to face political instability, economic challenges, and humanitarian crises, including recurrent droughts and food insecurity. The government has committed to addressing these challenges and building a more stable and prosperous future for Somalia, but it will require sustained efforts and the support of the international community.

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